I\'m looking for the Typescript grammar. Not the parser-lexer, but only the formal grammar description. I want to implement ts it\'s code folding and basic static code analy
Maybe you can find references in the source code, e.g. compiler/tokens.js
The formal grammar is in Appendix A of the TypeScript Language Reference, version 1.8 if which is found here or here (for current version)
Since typescript is a strict superset of Ecmascript 5 (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf/), you could exend any ecmascript bnf with syntax definitions from the Typescript spec.
A starting point could be: http://www.antlr3.org/grammar/1153976512034/ecmascriptA3.g
An ANTLR4 grammar, but admittedly "not exactly ... to TypeScript standard" (it's a pain there are so few official grammars for existing programming languages):