I need to write commands from one terminal to another terminal.
I tried these:
echo -e \"ls\\n\" > /proc/pid/fd/0
echo -e \"ls\\n\" > /dev/pts/
Is posible to show the output of a command on multiple terminals simultaneously with the following script., and it works with all console programs, including the editors. For example doing:
execmon.bash 'nano hello.txt' 5
Open an editor and both the output and the text that we introduce will be redirected to the virtual terminal number 5. You can see your terminals:
ls /dev/pts
Each virtual terminal has an associated number.
Is work with the normal terminal, konsole and xterm, just create the file execmon.bash and put this:
#! / bin / bash
# execmon.bash
# Script to run a command in a terminal and display the output
# in the terminal used and an additional one.
param = $ #
if [$ param-eq 2]; Then
echo $ 1 | tee a.out a.out && cat> / dev / pts / $ 2 && exec `cat` a.out | tee / dev / pts / $ 2 && rm a.out
echo "Usage:"
echo "execmon 'command' num '
echo "-command is the command to run (you have to enter ')"
echo "-num is the number of virtual console to output to the"
execmon.bash 'ls-l' 5
execmon.bash 'nano Hello.txt' 5