If I have a base class and two derived classes, and I want to implement the casting between the two derived classes by hand, is there any way to do that? (in C#)
You must implement a explicit or implicit operator.
class Imp_A : AbsBase
public static explicit operator Imp_B(Imp_A a)
Imp_B b = new Imp_B();
// Do things with b
return b;
Now you can do the following.
Imp_A a = new Imp_A();
Imp_B b = (Imp_B) a;
I'd suggest you write Imp_B like this, if possible:
class Imp_B : Imp_A
private int A;
private int B;
private int C;
private int D;
private int lastE { get { return this.E.Last(); } }
If you can't actually derive from ImpB, it's impossible for you to "treat" a ImpA object as an ImpB transparently the way you'd like, because they just aren't the same thing in memory. So, implement an explicit conversion.