My Problem I am Having:
I load the database page for one of my innoDB databases from within phpMyAdmin and it loads EXTREMELY slow. We\'re
Thank you Tom Kim for leading me to the answer.
There wasn't enough room in comments so I will elaborate with an additional answer on exactly what I did to solve my issue. I do not know why the yum version of phpMyAdmin was causing me distress.
version(s) of phpMyAdmin (there are 2 different ones)Here is my answer in bash form:
(I assume you have phpMyAdmin or phpmyadmin already installed and configured... I won't give you a config file, but I'll give you the vhost file, its mostly based on the one from the yum version of phpMyAdmin):
mkdir /tmp/phpMyAdminNew;
cp /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/ /tmp/phpMyAdminNew/;
yum remove phpMyAdmin phpmyadmin;
cd /tmp;
wget -O /tmp/phpMyAdminNew/;
unzip -d /tmp/phpMyAdminNew /tmp/phpMyAdminNew/;
mv /tmp/phpMyAdminNew/phpMyAdmin-4.1.5-all-languages /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew
cp /tmp/phpMyAdminNew/ /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/
echo -e 'Alias /my_secret_phpmyadmin_portal /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew\n\n<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/>\n\t<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>\n\t\t# Apache 2.4\n\t\t<RequireAny>\n\t\t\tRequire ip\n\t\t\tRequire ip ::1\n\t\t\t# Require ip\n\t\t</RequireAny>\n\t</IfModule>\n\t<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>\n\t\t# Apache 2.2\n\t\tOrder Deny,Allow\n\t\tDeny from All\n\t\tAllow from\n\t\tAllow from ::1\n\t\t# Allow from\n\t</IfModule>\n</Directory>\n\n<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/setup/>\n\t<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>\n\t\t# Apache 2.4\n\t\t<RequireAny>\n\t\t\tRequire ip\n\t\t\tRequire ip ::1\n\t\t\t# Require ip\n\t\t</RequireAny>\n\t</IfModule>\n\t<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>\n\t\t# Apache 2.2\n\t\tOrder Deny,Allow\n\t\tDeny from All\n\t\tAllow from\n\t\tAllow from ::1\n\t\t# Allow from\n\t</IfModule>\n</Directory>\n\n# These directories do not require access over HTTP - taken from the original\n# phpMyAdmin upstream tarball\n\n<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/libraries/>\n\tOrder Deny,Allow\n\tDeny from All\n\tAllow from None\n</Directory>\n\n<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/setup/lib/>\n\tOrder Deny,Allow\n\tDeny from All\n\tAllow from None\n</Directory>\n\n<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/setup/frames/>\n\tOrder Deny,Allow\n\tDeny from All\t\nAllow from None\n</Directory>\n\n# This configuration prevents mod_security at phpMyAdmin directories from\n# filtering SQL etc. This may break your mod_security implementation.\n#\n#<IfModule mod_security.c>\n#\t<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdminNew/>\n#\t\tSecRuleInheritance Off\n#\t</Directory>\n#</IfModule>' > /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdminNew.conf;
rm -rf /tmp/phpMyAdminNew
service httpd graceful
clear; echo -e '\n\n##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##\n ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###\n ####~~~~~~~~~~~####\n #####~~~~~~~~#####\n ##################\n ## TEQUILA SHOT ##\n ##################\n\n';
Personally I also experience extremely slow with phpmyadmin, when I view in "View" Table. What I did is upgrade the phpmyadmin to the latest version, then my problem is solved. Maybe u can give a try for phpymadmin v4