Before anyone jumps in and says, \"Oh!! that\'s a bad idea\", I know it is.
I want to keep both the key and value in the query string to be not easily visible to the
If you don't looking for serious strong crypto, you can use ROT13:
This is enough for slightly obfuscate keys/values in the your URLs.
You can use base64. Javascript has native functions to do that :
alert(btoa("category=textile&user=user1")); // ==> Y2F0ZWdvcnk9dGV4dGlsZSZ1c2VyPXVzZXIx
and to reverse it :
alert(atob("Y2F0ZWdvcnk9dGV4dGlsZSZ1c2VyPXVzZXIx")); // ==> category=textile&user=user1
Be careful to read the doc if you have unicode strings, it's a little different :