I have Win 10
When running:
conda update conda
I encountered this error:
RemoveError: \'setuptools\' is a dependenc
I ran into this issue in a Dockerfile using continuumio/miniconda3:latest
in which I had the line:
RUN conda update -n base -c defaults conda
To fix it, I simply appended the setuptools
RUN conda update -n base -c defaults conda setuptools
There was no need for any other heroics.
I am on a Mac rather than Windows but I was getting the same message. I was able to update by running conda update setuptools
. It brought conda up-to-date in the process.
While I still did not find how to cleanly uninstall anaconda, I was able to resolve the error by using the following:
conda update --force conda
conda update anaconda
and again
conda update conda
As a result, I got a stable environment with no dependency conflicts. Seems like something within latest conda is too restrictive and update must be forced.
I'm on Linux Ubuntu 16.04, and it works for me by:
conda uninstall setuptools
# This is a must to make it work
conda install setuptools
conda update --force conda
I was having trouble installing scrapy with anaconda using ' conda install -c conda-forge scrapy'
I kept getting the
'Verifying transaction: failed' ' RemoveError: 'setuptools' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from conda's operating environment.'
error so I tried the mentioned above force install of setup "conda update --force conda" and once that was successful I was able to reapply the scrapy install successfully.