I just downloaded the Xcode 6 GM and every time I select the main storyboard (and a specific xib) Xcode crashes.
The error to be sent to Apple contains the following
(1) Have you cleaned and rebuilt the project?
(2) Have you tried to empty the xcuserdata folder? The folder contains ui states and can be the reason for such an issue, especially when xcode was updated. The xcuserdata folder can be found in your project directory when you right-click your .xcodeproj "file" and select "show package content". Close Xcode, empty the xcuserdata folder and reopen the .xcodeproj file.
Hope one of these helps :)
My Xcode crashed when I dragged a button on Main.storyboard
to create a IBOutlet
I found it caused by a build settings item -- [Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting].
If it is set to "No", Xcode will crash on creating a IBOutlet.
OS X Version: Yosemite 10.10.1
Xcode Version: 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
Hope this helps.
What worked for me, and still using AutoLayout
Xcode 7.1 on Mac OS X 10.11.1 crashed and opening same project by right clicking the xcode icon made it crashed again. Then I right the xcode icon and opened some other project from the recent list and then opened the same project which was crashing from xcode's menu recent item and it didn't crash.
I've heard that it could be an autolayout problem, so I tried to disable it manually and it worked!
If you right click on the storyboard file, open as source code, and REMOVE the useAutolayout="YES", then clean, rebuild, you should be able to open with no problems.
To fix this problem:
How to avoid this in the future: once added to .gitignore, you must issue the following command:
git rm --cached ProjectFolder.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/yourUserName.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removing file thats driving me insane"