The documentation states:
Developing auto-configuration and using conditions
If you work in a company that develops shared libraries, or i
Because we are not going to scan the world to figure out what auto-configuration classes exist in your project. For one, an auto-configuration is just a regular @Configuration
The way a Spring component is found is via explicit declaration or component scan but we need to know the list of auto-configuration classes way before we actually start the context.
all the entries in spring.factories are loaded by below method -
protected Collection<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> source) {
return SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(source, getClass().getClassLoader());
SpringFactoriesLoader belongs to the spring-core library see below screen shot
When SpringBoot app is starting, it will not scan all the classes in jars, So SpringBoot starter should specify which classes are auto-configured. For example, in spring-boot-2.0.4.RELEASE, it initializes like this:
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. method run will call the construtor below, args);
public SpringApplication(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, Class<?>... primarySources) {
this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
Assert.notNull(primarySources, "PrimarySources must not be null");
this.primarySources = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(primarySources));
this.webApplicationType = deduceWebApplicationType();
//2. find all the classes whose key is ApplicationContextInitializer in spring.factories and initialize them
setInitializers((Collection) getSpringFactoriesInstances(
setListeners((Collection) getSpringFactoriesInstances(ApplicationListener.class));
this.mainApplicationClass = deduceMainApplicationClass();
private <T> Collection<T> getSpringFactoriesInstances(Class<T> type,
Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object... args) {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Use names and ensure unique to protect against duplicates
Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<>(
//3. use current thread classcloader to load resources in the classpath
SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(type, classLoader));
List<T> instances = createSpringFactoriesInstances(type, parameterTypes,
classLoader, args, names);
return instances;
public static List<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> factoryClass, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
String factoryClassName = factoryClass.getName();
// 3.1 first find the configuration file
return loadSpringFactories(classLoader).getOrDefault(factoryClassName, Collections.emptyList());
private static Map<String, List<String>> loadSpringFactories(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
try {
Enumeration<URL> urls = (classLoader != null ?
// public static final String FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION = "META-INF/spring.factories";
//4. spring.factories file is defined here
classLoader.getResources(FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION) :
result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();