I am trying to register a device onto GCM using the following code:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
The SENDER_ID field should be the project ID from when you created your google api project. Read the beginning of this: http://developer.android.com/guide/google/gcm/gs.html#libs
TAG should also be a string -> ""tag Name"
I had same problem, after update SDK in my project. it helped for me: I just "add support library" in "Android tools". Hope this helps anyone else.
Make a folder libs in your project folder and put the gcm.jar in it. Then add it to your class path using add external jars in configure build path option.
You have to put gcm.jar file inside libs, then go to project Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and add it to your path using Add External JARs..., after in Order and Export you check gcm.jar and press OK. That should work