Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Error?

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借酒劲吻你 2020-12-29 06:49

I am trying to build this xcode workspace which was built from Unity. And after modifying the project a little bit when I getting to the very end of building the project (li

  • 2020-12-29 06:57

    For me it was missing frameworks. Try searching the errors you get on Google and find out which frameworks they're part of, then import them in the Build phases tab.

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  • 2020-12-29 06:58

    For me the scenario was that I removed one of the dependency in my pods which was not required, after removing it I was getting error that the same dependency not found. So I went to delete its entry from the Project >> Build Settings >> other Linker Flags and then selected the same and deleted it as shown below in the Image. After removing from the linker Flags I started getting the Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Error? and after trying everything for a day I realised the issue lies inside the linker Flags. Where on deleting any dependecy you have to delete the other line name -framework. you can check the below image to get the clarity.

    So I suggest to keep an eye on it while deleting the dependecy from the linker flags, do delete the associated -framework too which lies below the dependency name. In my case it was ObjectMapper

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  • 2020-12-29 06:59

    I added libstdc++.tbd to "BuildPhases >> Link Binary With Libraries". It works for me.

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  • 2020-12-29 07:02

    I was having the same issue, and resolved by

    1. installing the latest CocoaPods
    2. then do pod setup
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  • 2020-12-29 07:07

    Another possible cause is if you rename one of your targets (why did I do that?) and you're using pods. You end up with a version of your old target name in the Frameworks folder in your main project (not the Pods project), like pods_oldtarget_framework which no longer exists.

    Just delete the old version (or name your target back to it's original and delete the new one), and you should be good to go.

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  • 2020-12-29 07:08

    For me I had the problem because I was using Xcode 9 (beta), then I open the same project with another Xcode 8.3. To solve the problem for me just Clean then Run again.

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