I need to find data within a certain set of parameters I am building a small booking system, that lets user see what vehicles are available for booking for their little safa
Could it be posible that as your passing the raw string to the queryset is not on the correct format, try converting the strings to datetime objects.
Later you can try using the range lookup is more efficient on some DB engines and more simple to read and code.
from django.db.models import Q
start_date = datetime.date(2005, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime.date(2005, 3, 31)
orders = Order.objects.filter(drop_off__gte=start_date, pick_up__lte=end_date)
# Or maybe better
orders = Order.objects.filter(Q(drop_off__gte=start_date), Q(pick_up__lte=end_date))
Can you try this :
order = Order.objects.filter(pick_up**__date__**lte=pickup).filter(drop_off**__date__**gte=dropoff)