I Uploaded the build via Xcode Yesterday it worked fine but while uploading today the build is uploading perfectly but after 10 minutes i got a email form apple stating that
Hey guyz My App has been approved by Apple Store. The trick i used was this
Deleted the plugin folder on my App root directory before building
Because most plugins were not compatible with Apple has to use just few of them on my manifest file
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.network-information" />
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.splashscreen" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" />
i was surprised when Apple sent me a message that my App has been Approved just now.
I Home this trick work for someone
Apple recommends to test by archiving the app first and then exporting the app for ad hoc distribution. If there are errors, you can then see this in the logs, you can access them from the export dialog.
My favorite solution, if there is no error during export:
It just worked for me, no clue why, but it might be worth a try instead of wasting hours on finding a solution for a non existant problem ;)
In My own case, i developed my IOS APP with PhoneGap
After so much research, was told to disable bitcode from my ItuneConenct App Account https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppStatus.html
And was introduced to a new phonegap plugin to disable bitcode in my IOS APP https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-cs-disable-bitcode
which i added to my Phonegap app config.xml file
Yet after rebuilding my phonegap IOS app and uploading to ItunesConenct using Application Builder (Got a successful message from the upload). Few mins' after the upload, I got same message from Apple with the same error.
This can give you a hint
As another user above stated... Remove the Plug In Directory and it solves the problem!
I just uploaded a fully functional version of my App with all of my Plug Ins. When I use build.phonegap.com to compile my IPA file, I have no Plugin folder in the ZIP file. The plugins are correctly referenced in my config.xml file.
It works!
I have no clue why this was ever an issue, but that is the ticket to move forward!
Ive attempted various build and submitted to Itunes with Xcode 8 and 7, with no success.
Deleting my plugins folder was not the solution, neither was greping through all my .plist's to find the CFBundleExecutable. At this moment its just waiting on further discovery from the community and or returning to our 3rd party resources and asking them to update their libs which may not be as easy as apple is suggesting us to do.
To identify the affected libraries I built to an iPhone with Bitcode enabled and in my case their are three libs that need updating. This may not be the best solution but if you need an explanation for your superiors this may save you some time in identifying what needs updating.
I will update my thread as I continue along this road.
If you are having this problem recently, i.e. since September 2016, it may be due to having a 'special character' in the title of your app.
I had several targets for the same code, some of which would process OK and some of which would fail. The ones that were failing all had Apple symbols in the title, for example one app was called '