In a Symfony2 project, you can configure the databases connections at the app/config/parameters.ini file. Documentation states that you can use, among others, sqlite3 PDO dr
I've found that if I add a path line pointing at the database_name to my config.yml, sqlite seems to pick that up, and MySQL doesn't seem to complain.
driver: %database_driver%
host: %database_host%
port: %database_port%
dbname: %database_name%
path: %database_name%
user: %database_user%
password: %database_password%
charset: UTF8
This means you can still keep all database information in the parameters file, you don't need separate configs depending on which database you are using.
According to Doctrine the elements used for sqlite DBAL configuration are:
This is also listed in the full reference for Doctrine configuration in Symfony2, although not elaborated on.
So you need to switch up your config params to match whats appropriate for sqlite.
Mainly the file path or the file path permisssion will have issue.
In config.yml, set path to full path like
Dont give %database_path% or what ever. Try this it will work.
If it works you can give as
Also check sqlite is ok by
In view/output you can see pdo_sqlite and its version.
In my case setting a username and password in config/packages/doctrine.yaml did not create a username/password protected sqlite database.
charset: UTF8
user: 'foo'
password: 'bar'
It seems like the parameters username and password are ignored?
Here is what I needed to get SQLite to work, just after doing symfony new myapp
in app/config.yml
# Doctrine Configuration
driver: pdo_sqlite
path: "%database_path%"
In app/config/parameters.yml
database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/db/myapp_%kernel.environment%.db3"
Next I could do a composer install
, create a new entity and it just worked.