I\'m using JBuilder as to return some JSON. I have a index.json.jbuilder
that generates the data, and I need to render it to a string. However, I\'m not sure ho
If you're doing this in the controller, a much simpler option is to try to the move the code into the view being rendered by the controller.
I described this here: https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/master/docs/jbuilder.md
basically you can call render
in the view, and you're done. Like this:
<%= react_component('App', render(template: "/comments/index.json.jbuilder"),
generator_function: true, prerender: true) %>
Here's the notes on what happens if you want to pass the data from the controller to the view:
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def index
@comments = Comment.all
# NOTE: The below notes apply if you want to set the value of the props in the controller, as
# compared to he view. However, it's more convenient to use Jbuilder from the view. See
# app/views/pages/index.html.erb:20
# <%= react_component('App', render(template: "/comments/index.json.jbuilder"),
# generator_function: true, prerender: true) %>
# NOTE: this could be an alternate syntax if you wanted to pass comments as a variable to a partial
# @comments_json_sting = render_to_string(partial: "/comments/comments.json.jbuilder",
# locals: { comments: Comment.all }, format: :json)
# NOTE: @comments is used by the render_to_string call
# @comments_json_string = render_to_string("/comments/index.json.jbuilder")
# NOTE: It's CRITICAL to call respond_to after calling render_to_string, or else Rails will
# not render the HTML version of the index page properly. (not a problem if you do this in the view)
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html
# end
You can also do it like this, which leaves your controller a bit cleaner.
# controller
def new
@data = Data.all
# view
<% content_for :head do %>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mydata = <%= raw render :partial => 'path/to/partial', :locals => {data: @data} %>;
<% end %>
# path/to/_partial.html.jbuilder
json.array!(@data) do |d|
json.extract! field1, :field2, :field3, :field4
json.url data_url(d, format: :json)
# layouts/application.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= yield :head %>