How can I calculate the variance of a list in python?

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醉酒成梦 2020-12-29 04:58

If I have a list like this:

results=[-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439,
          0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.032         

  • 2020-12-29 05:02

    You can use numpy's built-in function var:

    import numpy as np
    results = [-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439,
              0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.03220519, -0.24332097]

    This gives you 28.822364260579157

    If - for whatever reason - you cannot use numpy and/or you don't want to use a built-in function for it, you can also calculate it "by hand" using e.g. a list comprehension:

    # calculate mean
    m = sum(results) / len(results)
    # calculate variance using a list comprehension
    var_res = sum((xi - m) ** 2 for xi in results) / len(results)

    which gives you the identical result.

    If you are interested in the standard deviation, you can use numpy.std:


    @Serge Ballesta explained very well the difference between variance n and n-1. In numpy you can easily set this parameter using the option ddof; its default is 0, so for the n-1 case you can simply do:

    np.var(results, ddof=1)

    The "by hand" solution is given in @Serge Ballesta's answer.

    Both approaches yield 32.024849178421285.

    You can set the parameter also for std:

    np.std(results, ddof=1)
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  • 2020-12-29 05:10

    Well, there are two ways for defining the variance. You have the variance n that you use when you have a full set, and the variance n-1 that you use when you have a sample.

    The difference between the 2 is whether the value m = sum(xi) / n is the real average or whether it is just an approximation of what the average should be.

    Example1 : you want to know the average height of the students in a class and its variance : ok, the value m = sum(xi) / n is the real average, and the formulas given by Cleb are ok (variance n).

    Example2 : you want to know the average hour at which a bus passes at the bus stop and its variance. You note the hour for a month, and get 30 values. Here the value m = sum(xi) / n is only an approximation of the real average, and that approximation will be more accurate with more values. In that case the best approximation for the actual variance is the variance n-1

    varRes = sum([(xi - m)**2 for xi in results]) / (len(results) -1)

    Ok, it has nothing to do with Python, but it does have an impact on statistical analysis, and the question is tagged statistics and variance

    Note: ordinarily, statistical libraries like numpy use the variance n for what they call var or variance, and the variance n-1 for the function that gives the standard deviation.

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  • 2020-12-29 05:11

    Starting Python 3.4, the standard library comes with the variance function (sample variance or variance n-1) as part of the statistics module:

    from statistics import variance
    # data = [-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439, 0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.03220519, -0.24332097]
    # 32.024849178421285

    The population variance (or variance n) can be obtained using the pvariance function:

    from statistics import pvariance
    # data = [-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439, 0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.03220519, -0.24332097]
    # 28.822364260579157

    Also note that if you already know the mean of your list, the variance and pvariance functions take a second argument (respectively xbar and mu) in order to spare recomputing the mean of the sample (which is part of the variance computation).

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  • 2020-12-29 05:12

    Numpy is indeed the most elegant and fast way to do it.

    I think the actual question was about how to access the individual elements of a list to do such a calculation yourself, so below an example:

    results=[-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439,
          0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.03220519, -0.24332097]
    import numpy as np
    print 'numpy variance: ', np.var(results)
    # without numpy by hand  
    # there are two ways of calculating the variance 
    #   - 1. direct as central 2nd order moment ( by the length of the vector
    #   - 2. "mean of square minus square of mean" (see
    # calculate mean
    n= len(results)
    for i in range(n):
        sum = sum+ results[i]
    print 'mean: ', mean
    #  calculate the central moment
    for i in range(n):
        sum2=sum2+ (results[i]-mean)**2
    print "my variance1: ", myvar1
    # calculate the mean of square minus square of mean
    for i in range(n):
        sum3=sum3+ results[i]**2
    myvar2 = sum3/n - mean**2
    print "my variance2: ", myvar2

    gives you:

    numpy variance:  28.8223642606
    mean:  -3.731599805
    my variance1:  28.8223642606
    my variance2:  28.8223642606
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  • 2020-12-29 05:12

    Without imports, I would use the following python3 script:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    def createData():
        return dataset
    def calculateMean(data):
        # one list of the nested list
        for oneDataset in data:
            # one datapoint in one inner list
            for number in oneDataset:
                # summing up
            # mean for one inner list
            # adding a tuples of the original data and their mean to
            # a list of tuples
            item=(oneDataset, mean)
        return means
    # to do: substract mean from each element and square the result
    # sum up the square results and divide by number of elements
    def calculateVariance(meanData):
        # meanData is the list of tuples
        # pair is one tuple
        for pair in meanData:
            # pair[0] is the original data
            for element in pair[0]:
            variances.append((pair[0], pair[1], variance))
        return variances
    def main():
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    here you get a print of the original data, their mean and the variance. I know this approach covers a list of several datasets, yet I think you can adapt it quickly for your purpose ;)

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  • 2020-12-29 05:21
    import numpy as np
    def get_variance(xs):
        mean = np.mean(xs)
        summed = 0
        for x in xs:
            summed += (x - mean)**2
        return summed / (len(xs))

    out 2.0

    a = [1,2,3,4,5]
    variance = np.var(a, ddof=1)
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