I have a server that I can cause to die with the following output:
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {
The chance of it being a "slightly-too-large chain" seems unlikely.
It's probably a function calling the event that triggered itself.
So if the slowing down of the code is making the infinite recursion to stop. My guess would be that you have a queue and with the slower mode its not getting filled up as fast.
If this doesn't help then I think I need more info. Maybe someone has a catch-all for this though.
This patch might help you find a solution. It expands the stack trace tremendously:
It seems the answer is currently: sit tight and wait for Node.js to update to a newer V8 version, or build your own with the patch from this Chromium project bug report.
This archived thread from the v8-dev mailing list shows a discussion in which
Note that Node.js v0.8 used V8 3.11; Node.js 0.10 is currently using V8 3.14. So the patch accepted by Chromium for this issue is still "in the future" as far as Node is concerned.
(This answer owes thanks to @Coderoshi, since it's by following the thread from his answer that I learned all this.)