I have a table like this: (id, name, version, text). (name, version) is unique key, how can i make a rule to validate this.
Yii1 :
Yii2 :
// a1 needs to be unique
['a1', 'unique']
// a1 needs to be unique, but column a2 will be used to check the uniqueness of the a1 value
['a1', 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => 'a2']
// a1 and a2 need to be unique together, and they both will receive error message
[['a1', 'a2'], 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['a1', 'a2']]
// a1 and a2 need to be unique together, only a1 will receive error message
['a1', 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['a1', 'a2']]
// a1 needs to be unique by checking the uniqueness of both a2 and a3 (using a1 value)
['a1', 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['a2', 'a1' => 'a3']]
May be you can add this rules
onto your code
return array(
array('name', 'unique', 'className'=>'MyModel', 'attributeName'=>'myName'),
array('version', 'unique', 'className'=>'MyModel', 'attributeName'=>'myVersion')