How to find version of Drupal installed

前端 未结 17 999
暗喜 2020-12-29 01:53

How can I know which version of Drupal is installed in my server?

  • 2020-12-29 02:34

    In Drupal admin panel, you can find using the menu as follows, Drupal admin Reports->Status report. or else

    You can find Drupal version via URL or View Source.

    URL=> type CHANGELOG.txt in

    View Source => You can find this by the following [meta tag]

    This meta tag appears only in Drupal Site. You can confirm that the web application is based on Drupal CMS.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 02:35

    You can get this by logging in to admin. Go to Administer → Reports → Status Report.

    This will let you know all your config information of the site including your Drupal version.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 02:36

    Drupal 8 programmatically: \DRUPAL::VERSION

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 02:38

    use drush to know which drupal version you are using. command : drush status

    Below is the list of information it will show:

    Drupal version : 8.7.10                                                  
     Site URI       : http://default                                          
     DB driver      : mysql                                                   
     DB hostname    : localhost                                               
     DB port        : 3306                                                    
     DB username    : root                                                    
     DB name        : drupal_8_7_10                                           
     PHP binary     : /usr/bin/php7.4                                         
     PHP config     : /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini                                
     PHP OS         : Linux                                                   
     Drush script   : /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal-8.7.10/vendor/drush/drush/drus 
     Drush version  : 10.2.0                                                  
     Drush temp     : /tmp                                                    
     Drush configs  : /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal-8.7.10/vendor/drush/drush/drus 
     Drupal root    : /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal-8.7.10                         
     Site path      : sites/default     
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 02:40

    You can also type:

    drush status in your project folder. It will print out something like this:

    $ drush status
     Drupal version         :  7.27 **<--**
     Default theme          :  garland
     Administration theme   :  garland
     PHP executable         :  php
     PHP configuration      :  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Drush\Php\php.ini"
     PHP OS                 :  WINNT
     Drush version          :  6.0
     Drush configuration    :
     Drush alias files      :  c:/users/spaden/.drush/pantheon.aliases.drushrc.php
     Drupal root            :  c:/Users/spaden/localSite/

    Hope this helps!

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 02:42

    Drupal 7 admin->modules->(see version of core module like block ) admin->reports->status->drupal version

    Drupal 8 admin->reports->updates : see Drupal core

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