I am working on getting the facebook API working for iOS, and the FB registration page requires the Bundle ID of the project. How can I get this information? I read someth
For those using Xcode >=7: select your target and click the General tab. Bundle Identifier is found under Identity.
In Xcode 4, select your project, then your target (you should have only one) and then the 'Info' tab. You should be able to see the bundle identifier there.
let bundleId = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
let bundleId = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleIdentifier"] as? String
You can find out and change from supporting file=> info.plist => Bundle identifier
It is generally DNS form ex. com.companyname.appname
A bundle ID
or bundle identifier identifies an application in Apple's ecosystem. Apple advice to use reverse domain name(reverse DNS notation) to create it.
For example:
Bundle identifier is a string in Info.plist
[About] which is required for any Bundle
To set it using Xcode
Bundle identifier
//by default it points on `$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)` which is you can setup in Build Settings
//Build Settings the mirror of Target Settings
Build Settings -> Product Bundle Identifier
//Target Settings the mirror of Build Settings
General -> Bundle Identifier
To get it programmatically
[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
If you're build a library, this may be problematic - it's applications that have a bundle ID. However, your can probably query this programatically using [NSBundle mainBundle]
and then [NSBundle bundleIdentifier]