I need to generate a 32 bits version of my application however I am compiling on a 64 bits OS. I\'m looking for a way to make QMake to generate both 32 and 64 bits versions
Make use of win32:
in front of each command you would like be run for win32 architecture only. Or can use a scope as
win32 {
SOURCES += paintwidget_win.cpp
Also, you may refer to the architecture win32 or x64 with the ($Platform) MSDN macro for Visual Studio.
Use a construction something like:
CONFIG += 32bit
CONFIG(32bit) {
TARGET = 32bit_binary
LIBS += -L<path to 32bit libraries>
CONFIG(64bit) {
TARGET = 64bit_binary
in your .pro file. Then you only need to change one line to recompile for the other architecture.