Is there a way to make sass ignore multiline comments when generating the css file:
// these comments are ignored
These are not (only ignor
Yay! I've learned monkey patching SASS while answering this question:
Sass mixin recursion; @include loop
And now i can help you too!
For this solution to work, you'll need Compass. Install it with:
gem install compass
Create a compass.rb
file in your project's root and define directories where you keep your SASS and CSS code, e. g.:
css_dir = "stylesheets"
sass_dir = "sass"
Create a file called remove-all-comments-monkey-patch.rb
in your project's root:
class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Perform < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base
# Removes all comments completely
def visit_comment(node)
return []
In the config.rb
, add:
# Removing all comments by applying a monkey patch to SASS compiler
require "./remove-all-comments-monkey-patch"
Use compass compile
to compile SASS into CSS. You can also use compass watch
to make the Compass command line tool constantly monitor your code for changes and recompile parts that you modify.
This will not remove comments with line numbers generated by SASS. To disable them comment out the line_comments = true
line in config.rb
or set it to false.
To re-enable multiline comments, just comment out the line that requires the monkey patch and do compass clean
Though this solution is portable and will work for everybody without hacking SASS code manually, you should really consider using an IDE that allows commenting out whole paragraphs with single-line comments using a single keystroke. For me it's Ctrl
Here, i've filmed a short video for you to show that using line comments is actually quicker and more effective than using multiline comments:
Line comments also let you comment out comments without breaking the code.
Consider you have the following code:
/* Bla bla */
And you need to comment it all out. If you wrap it all with /* */
/* Bla bla */
...then you broke the code! Now you have a comment that starts with /*foo
and ends with bla */
, and also a syntax error at baz*/
Instead, just select the whole code and hit Ctrl
(provided that use some IDE or programmer's notepad), it will all be commented out immediately:
///* Bla bla */
And of course it can later be uncommented with the same hotkey.