This is something which data analysts do all the time (especially when working with survey data which features missing responses.) It\'s common to first multiply impute a se
Use a list to store the results of your regression models as well, e.g.
foo <- function(n) return(transform(X <-, rnorm(n))),
y = V1+V2+rnorm(n)))
write.csv(foo(10), file="dat1.csv")
write.csv(foo(10), file="dat2.csv")
csvdat <- list.files(pattern="dat.*csv")
lm.res <- list()
for (i in seq(along=csvdat))
lm.res[[i]] <- lm(y ~ ., data=read.csv(csvdat[i]))
names(lm.res) <- csvdat
what you want is a combination of the functions seq_along()
and assign()
helps creates a vector from 1 to 5 if there are five objects in csvdat
(to get the appropriate numbers and not only the variable names). Then assign
(using paste
to create the appropriate astrings from the numbers) lets you create the variable.
Note that you will also need to load the data file first (was missing in your example):
for (x in seq_along(csvdat)) { <- read.csv(csvdat[x]) #be sure to change this to read.table if necessary
assign(paste("lm.", x, sep = ""), lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data =
is not totally necessary, there could be other ways to solve the numeration problem.
The critical function is assign
. With assign you can create variables with a name based on a string. See ?assign
for further info.
Following chl's comments (see his post) everything in one line:
for (x in seq_along(csvdat)) assign(paste("lm", x, sep = "."), lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = read.csv(csvdat[x]))
Another approach is to use the plyr
package to do the looping. Using the example constructed by @chl, here is how you would do it
# read csv files into list of data frames
data_frames = llply(csvdat, read.csv)
# run regression models on each data frame
regressions = llply(data_frames, lm, formula = y ~ .)
names(regressions) = csvdat