My selenium webdriver goes to a page and waits for that page to finish loading. If 30 seconds pass it times-out and the script fails.
Is there anyway to have the
Try using this:
Page Load Timeout
Also, as a tip, you cannot access native controls of the browser using Selenium WebDriver. If you want to do that, use tools like Sikuli if you are using Linux or AutoIt for windows.
You can stop page loading in Ruby using JavaScript function window.stop() and method Selenium::WebDriver::Driver#execute_script:
This is the way I came across this issue. I will be using this way until chrome supports pageload
I installed an extension in chrome called Stop load and I set 5 secs stop load.
Then I initiated my driver with the default setting -
DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;
capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches", Arrays.asList("--user-data-dir="+System.getProperty("user.home")+"\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data"));
System.setProperty("", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chromedriver.exe");
driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);
if the page in chrome does not load in 5 secs, your extension will take care of it by killing it in 5 Seconds.
In a way it works like a implicitwait if you set the proper stop load time in the extension