I have simple dictionary with key, value:
d = {\'word\': 1, \'word1\': 2}
I need to add another value (to make a list from values):
you could try the below:
d['word'] = [1, 'something']
d['word1'] = [2, 'something']
call d
Hope this helps!
Well you can simply use:
d['word'] = [1,'something']
Or in case the 1
needs to be fetched:
d['word'] = [d['word'],'something']
Finally say you want to update a sequence of keys with new values, like:
to_add = {'word': 'something', 'word1': 'something1'}
you could use:
for key,val in to_add.items():
if key in d:
d[key] = [d[key],val]
You can create your dictionary assigning a list to each key
d = {'word': [1], 'word1': [2]}
and then use the following synthases to add any value to an existing key or to add a new pair of key-value:
For your example will be something like this:
d = {'word': [1], 'word1': [2]}
{'word': [1, 'something'], 'word1': [2, 'something1'], 'word2': ['something2']}
This is what I would do. I hope it helps. If you have a lot of items to add to your dictionary this may not be the fastest route.
d = {'word':1, 'word1':2}
d['word']=[1, 'something']
d['word1']=[2, 'something1']
{'word': [1, 'something'], 'word1': [2, 'something1']}
Thanks for help. I did it that way (thanks to Willem Van Onsem advice):
x = (dict(Counter(tags))) #my dictionary
for i in x:
color = "#%06x" % random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)
x[i] = [x[i], color]
You could write a function to do this for you:
>>> d = {'word': 1, 'word1': 2}
>>> def set_key(dictionary, key, value):
... if key not in dictionary:
... dictionary[key] = value
... elif type(dictionary[key]) == list:
... dictionary[key].append(value)
... else:
... dictionary[key] = [dictionary[key], value]
>>> set_key(d, 'word', 2)
>>> set_key(d, 'word', 3)
>>> d
{'word1': 2, 'word': [1, 2, 3]}
Alternatively, as @Dan pointed out, you can use a list to save the data initially. A Pythonic way if doing this is you can define a custom defaultdict which would add the data to a list directly:
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(list)
>>> d[1].append(2)
>>> d[2].append(2)
>>> d[2].append(3)
>>> d
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {1: [2], 2: [2, 3]})