Here\'s the problem. I am using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to get video frames from camera and make video from them with AVAssetWriter. Its working OK, but the video that
From here:
Currently, the capture outputs for a movie file (AVCaptureMovieFileOutput) and still image (AVCaptureStillImageOutput) support setting the orientation, but the data output for processing video frames (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput) does not.
I ran into the same problem and poked around the AVCamDemo from WWDC. I don't know why (yet) but if you query your videoConnection right after you create all the inputs/outputs/connections then both isVideoOrientationSupported and supportsVideoOrientation return NO.
However, if you query supportsVideoOrientation or isVideoOrientationSupported at some later point (after the GUI is setup for instance) then it will return YES. For instance I query it right after the user clicks the record button just before I call [[self movieFileOutput] startRecordingToOutputFileURL...]
Give it a try, works for me.