With iOS 8 and Xcode 6, in storyboards we now have the screen size grid letting us select a size class. Where you can select layout formatting for the different screen sizes
It's a bit confusing & hard to find in the documentation because a "size class" isn't actually a "Class" like NSObject. They're really defined in an enum/typedef called: UIUserInterfaceSizeClass
The way to get the horizontal & vertical size class for a view is with a UITraitCollection
Class/Type methods for UITraitCollection allow you to create one based on a particular display scale (e.g. retina or not), from an array of other trait collections, with a UI idiom (iPad/iPhone), or specific horizontal & vertical options (compact, regular), but to be honest I'm not sure yet how you'd use this...
This question discusses updating constraints when the traitCollection changes, using willTransitionToTraitCollection(newCollection: UITraitCollection!,
withTransitionCoordinator coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator!)
You're right that both the UITraitCollection and its properties are readonly, but clearly you can create a new collection for some reason, and handle layout changes when the traitCollection changes.
This previous question is pretty similar & links to an Apple article about using Adaptive Layout. Also check the WWDC video "Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit."
To answer your question, you can set the size class programmatically, however, it's a bit of a pain. You must call "setOverrideTraitCollection" but from the parent view controller, not the one you actually wished to make a trait change to.
In my situation, I wanted to change the Master VC of a split view controller on iPad to look differently than the one on the iPhone, however, they are both set to Compact width / Regular height by default. So I subclassed the Master's nav controller and added code to set the Master's traits to Regular width when it's not an iPhone.
Swift code:
class MasterNavigationController: UINavigationController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
if (self.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom != .Phone) {
let newTraitCollection = UITraitCollection(horizontalSizeClass: .Regular)
self.setOverrideTraitCollection(newTraitCollection, forChildViewController: self.topViewController)
I hope this helps someone looking for a similar solution.
iOS 8 introduces the active property on NSLayoutConstraint
. It allows you to activate or deactivate a constraint. There are also methods to activate/deactivate multiple constraints.
+ (void)activateConstraints:(NSArray *)constraints
+ (void)deactivateConstraints:(NSArray *)constraints