My output looks like \'àéêöhello!\'. I need change my output like this \'aeeohello\', Just replacing the character à as a like this.
Hi Ganesh Please Use the below code.
It Works For me!
import unicodedata
def strip_accents(text):
text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
except NameError: # unicode is a default on python 3
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text)\
.encode('ascii', 'ignore')\
return str(text)
s = strip_accents('àéêöhello')
print s
import unidecode
somestring = "àéêöhello"
#convert plain text to utf-8
u = unicode(somestring, "utf-8")
#convert utf-8 to normal text
print unidecode.unidecode(u)