MongoDB Document Operations are Atomic and Isolated, but Are They Consistent?

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南笙 2020-12-28 17:56

I\'m in the process of porting my application from an App Engine Datastore to a MongoDB backend and have a question regarding the consistency of \"document updates.\" I und

  • 2020-12-28 18:09

    MongoDB does not offer master-master replication or multi-version concurrency. In other words, writes always go to the same server in a replica set. By default, even reads from secondaries are disabled so the default behavior is that you communicate only with one server at a time. Therefore, you do not need to worry about inconsistent results in safe mode if you use atomic modifiers (like $inc, $push, etc.).

    If you don't want to restrict yourself to these atomic modifiers, compare and swap as recommended by dcrosta (and the mongo docs) looks like a good idea. All this is not related to replica sets or sharding, however - it would be the same in a single-server scenario.

    If you need to ensure read consistency also in case of a database/node failure, you should make sure you're writing to the majority of servers in safe mode.

    The two approaches behave different if you allow unsafe reads: the atomic update operations would still work (but may give unexpected results), while the compare-and-swap approach would fail.

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  • 2020-12-28 18:22

    There may be other ways to accomplish this, but one approach is to version your documents, and issue updates against only the version that the user had previously read (i.e., ensure that no one else has updated the document since it was last read). Here's a brief example of this technique using pymongo:

    >>>{'_id': 'a', 'version': 1, 'things': []}, safe=True)
    >>>{'_id': 'a', 'version': 1}, {'$push': {'things': 'thing1'}, '$inc': {'version': 1}}, safe=True)
    {'updatedExisting': True, 'connectionId': 112, 'ok': 1.0, 'err': None, 'n': 1}

    note in the above, key "n" is 1, indicating that the document was updated

    >>>{'_id': 'a', 'version': 1}, {'$push': {'things': 'thing2'}, '$inc': {'version': 1}}, safe=True)
    {'updatedExisting': False, 'connectionId': 112, 'ok': 1.0, 'err': None, 'n': 0}

    here where we tried to update against the wrong version, key "n" is 0

    >>>{'_id': 'a', 'version': 2}, {'$push': {'things': 'thing2'}, '$inc': {'version': 1}}, safe=True)
    {'updatedExisting': True, 'connectionId': 112, 'ok': 1.0, 'err': None, 'n': 1}
    {'things': ['thing1', 'thing2'], '_id': 'a', 'version': 3}

    Note that this technique relies on using safe writes, otherwise we don't get an acknowledgement indicating the number of documents updated. A variation on this would use the findAndModify command, which will either return the document, or None (in Python) if no document matching the query was found. findAndModify allows you to return either the new (i.e. after updates are applied) or old version of the document.

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