I\'ve just downloaded and installed XAMPP 5.6.11 and started all the tools from the control panel. I\'ve seen that one of it\'s new features is that it has a Welcome/Dashboa
Change the document root in the file C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf to the folder where is the index.php of your project.
(MAC) check the /Applications/XAMPP/etc/httpd.conf file there is a section that by default is commented out. Search for "Virtual hosts". If you delete the # in the next line, like in the picture, you should just need to restart apache and then you're good to go. uncomment to allow virtual hosts
Hey here is the solution for windows 7+.
You need admin rights to make changes to the hosts file
Right click on your favorit text-editor and select "run as administrator" before opening the file
Open the following file "c:/windows/system32/driver/etc/hosts"
Enter the line: localhost
Next: Define a virtual host in /xampfolder/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
DocumentRoot "c:\your\document\root"
ServerName localhost
<Directory "c:\your\document\root">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Restart your apache! Now you can enter http://localhost in your browser and access your page.
Pro-Tip: You can use other names as localhost or have multiple localhosts this way. Just enter the names in the hosts file and define your virtual hosts.
my suggestion: Choose a different version. I had the same problem you have deinstalled v5.6.11, downloaded and installed v5.6.3, works fine for me.
This works in Windows; didn't check Linux but don't see why it wouldn't work. Download the zip files for 5.6.8 portable. Unzip the files and copy the xampp/htdocs to the xampp/htdocs in your install directory.
I had the same problem. I uninstalled the 6.8.14 and installed back older version 5.6.8, and it worked.