How would you check if a file is an image? I\'m thinking you could use an method like so:
def image?(file)
file.to_s.include?(\".gif\") or file.to_s.includ
Please check it once
=> "image"
=> "image"
=> "image"
=> "image"
Since you're using Paperclip, you can use the built in "validates_attachment_content_type" method in the model where "has_attached_file" is used, and specify which file types you want to allow.
Here's an example from an application where users upload an avatar for their profile:
has_attached_file :avatar,
:styles => { :thumb => "48x48#" },
:default_url => "/images/avatars/missing_avatar.png",
:default_style => :thumb
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => ["image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png", "image/gif"]
The documentation is here
One approach is to use the "magic number" convention to read the first bits of a file.
"BM" is a Bitmap image "GIF8" is a GIF image "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" is a JPEG image
Example in Ruby:
def bitmap?(data) return data[0,2]=="MB" end def gif?(data) return data[0,4]=="GIF8" end def jpeg?(data) return data[0,4]=="\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" end def file_is_image?(filename) f =,'rb') # rb means to read using binary data = # magic numbers are up to 9 bytes f.close return bitmap?(data) or gif?(data) or jpeg?(data) end
Why use this instead of the file name extension or the filemagic module?
To detect the data type before writing any data to disk. For example, we can read upload data stream before we write any data to disk. If the magic number doesn't match the web form content type, then we can immediately report an error.
We implement our real-world code slightly differently. We create a hash: each key is a magic number string, each value is a symbol like :bitmap, :gif, :jpeg, etc. If anyone would like to see our real-world code, feel free to contact me here.
imagemagick has a command called identity that handles this - check w/ the paperclip documentation - there's probably a way to handle this from within your RoR app.
As an addition to Joel's answer, in Rails 5 I had to transform the comparison string to a bytecode. Eg:
def jpeg?(data)
return data[0,4]=="\xff\xd8\xff\xe0".b
I would use the ruby-filemagic gem which is a Ruby binding for libmagic.