I have the following JSON data:
{\"id\":\"111\",\"case\":\"Y\",\"custom\":{\"speech invoked\":\"no\",\"input method\":\"hard\",\"session ID\":\"420\"}}
Using Perl and its JSON module:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
use JSON;
my $input = << '__JSON__';
{"id":"111","case":"Y","custom":{"speech invoked":"no","input method":"hard","session ID":"420"}}
my $struct = decode_json($input);
my @header = grep ! ref $struct->{$_}, keys %$struct;
push @header, map keys %{ $struct->{$_} },
grep ref $struct->{$_},
keys %$struct;
my @row = grep ! ref, values %$struct;
push @row, map values %$_, grep ref, values %$struct;
say join ',', @header;
say join ',', @row;
Using perl wasn't a good solution for me but after a bit of trial and error I figured out you can do it with just jq
using the join()
First make an array of the output you need, then join the array elements using commas.
jq -r '[.case, .custom."speech invoked", .custom."input method"] | join(", ")'
Enjoy. :)
Building upon Joe Harris' answer, you can use the @csv filter so that strings are properly quoted and escaped when necessary :
jq -r '[.case, .custom."speech invoked", .custom."input method"] | @csv'
Here is another solution. If data.json
contains the sample data then
jq -M -s -r 'map(.+.custom|del(.custom)) | (.[0]|keys_unsorted), (.[]|[.[]]) | join(",")' data.json
will produce
id,case,speech invoked,input method,session ID
Using jq, you can use this filter:
with_entries(select(.key != "custom")) + .custom
| to_entries
| map(.key), map(.value)
| @csv
Just note that written this way, the "custom" properties will always be written in the end, no matter what order the properties are in.