Just like editing C source file, I can press % to get the closing } for the current cursor\'s {. How can I do this when editing html files? Is there any shortcuts? To be cle
You can jump between tags using visual operators, in example:
Your cursor should jump forward to the matching closing html/xml tag. To jump backwards from closing tag, press o or O to jump to opposite tag.
Now you can either exit visual by pressing Esc, change it by c or copy by y.
To record that action into register, press qq to start recording, perform tag jump as above (including Esc), press q to finish. Then to invoke jump, press @q.
See more help at :help visual-operators
or :help v_it
at a
<tag> </tag>
block (with tags)it inner
<tag> </tag>
Alternatively use plugin such as matchit.vim (See: Using % in languages without curly braces).
See also:
MatchTagAlways is a plugin that always highlights the XML/HTML tags that enclose your cursor location.
I have had problems with this is the past, even with the matchit plugin. The way I solved it was to modify b:match_words on xml-type files. Here is the relevant section from my .vimrc:
autocmd FileType html let b:match_words = '<\(\w\w*\):</\1,{:}'
autocmd FileType xhtml let b:match_words = '<\(\w\w*\):</\1,{:}'
autocmd FileType xml let b:match_words = '<\(\w\w*\):</\1,{:}'
Try it out, see if it helps any.
You should be able to do this with the matchit plugin by typing % when your mouse is on the opening tag.