I\'ve Groovy script as part of the Pipeline job in Jenkins as below:
node {
stage(\'Testing\') {
build job: \'Test\', parameters: [string(name: \
This works for me. Triggers 3 jobs. Wait for them to finish. Pay attention to the extra "->" to specify groovy closure. I have one -> on the each loop, and one on the parallel line. It means that the value will be evaluated when running the parallel section.
def jobsString = "job1,job2,job3"
ArrayList jobsList = jobsString.split('\\,')
def parallelJobs2Run = [:]
jobsList.each { job ->
echo "Going to parallel for job ${job}"
parallelJobs2Run["${job}"] = { ->
echo "Calling job ${job}"
jobResults=build job: "${pathJenkinsFolder}${job}",
parameters: [
string(name: 'param1', value: "${value1}"),
string(name: 'param2', value: "${value2}")
propagate: true,
wait: true
// List of values: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46262862/how-to-i-get-the-url-of-build-triggered-with-build-step-on-jenkins
buildNumber = ${jobResults.number}
echo "${job} Build number |${buildNumber}| result: |${jobResults.result}|"
echo "See details on: |${jobResults.absoluteUrl}|"
parallel parallelJobs2Run
You should use pipeline parallel expression, which will wait for all spawned jobs / subtasks to complete:
stage('testing') {
def branches = [:]
for(i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 1) {
def param = params[i]
branches["Test${i}"] = {
build job: 'Test', parameters: [string(name: 'Name', value: param)], quietPeriod: 2
parallel branches
You can find some more examples in pipeline docs at jenkins.io
Just run into the same problem, and find a working solution. Just use foreach.
stage('testing') {
def jobs = [:]
i -> jobs["Test${i}"] = {
build job: 'Test',
parameters: [string(name: 'theparam', value: "${i}")],
quietPeriod: 2
parallel jobs
However @agg3l's example is not working with multiple jobs.
Map jobResults = [:]
Boolean failedJobs = false
def buildJobWithParams(def jobs_list, Map results) {
def branches = [:]
for(job in jobs_list)
print job
branches["Test-${job}"] = {
def jobBuild = build job: job, propagate: false
def jobResult = jobBuild.getResult()
echo "Build of '${job}' returned result: ${jobResult}"
results[job] = jobResult
return branches
stage('Run integration tests') {
steps {
def job_branch = buildJobWithParams(item_list, jobResults)
print job_branch
parallel job_branch
The item_list
has more than 1 job, however it will execute only last job multiple times.