I am very new to java spring security, and was following the Spring.io tutorial guide.
As part of this, I edited the WebSecurityConfig
class as required:
Using the passwordEncoder.encode() would be like this
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
EDIT: deleted old answer, misunderstood the question. Here's the new one:
can still be used for demos, you don't have to worry if that's what you're doing - even if it's deprecated - but in production, you shouldn't have a plain text password in your source code.
What you should be doing instead of using your current userDetailsService()
method is the following:
private static final String ENCODED_PASSWORD = "$2a$10$AIUufK8g6EFhBcumRRV2L.AQNz3Bjp7oDQVFiO5JJMBFZQ6x2/R/2";
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
is secret123
encoded with BCrypt. You can also encode it programmatically like so: passwordEncoder().encode("secret123")
That way, even if you push your code to a public repository, people won't know the password because ENCODED_PASSWORD
only shows the encoded version of the password and not the plain text version, but because you know that $2a$10$AIUufK8g6EFhBcumRRV2L.AQNz3Bjp7oDQVFiO5JJMBFZQ6x2/R/2
is actually the encoded password of the string secret123
whereas others don't, your in-memory user with the credentials user:secret123
won't be compromised.
Note that I'm using leaving it in a static variable for the sake of the example.