I have a display controller and a management controller. Inside my display controller, I have a dropdown selector with the list of items that have been selected.
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Try using ng-options
<div ng-controller="MyDisplayCtrl">
<select ng-options="i.name for i in items"></select>
See: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:select
Well, it looks like I've found a pretty satisfactory answer to this.
I exposed the storage object itself through the controller
function MyDisplayCtrl($scope, ItemStore) {
$scope.items = ItemStore.items;
$scope.item = ItemStore.currentItem;
// expose the itemstore service to the dom
$scope.store = ItemStore
$scope.getItem = function(){
and then address the currentItem directly
<div ng-controller="MyDisplayCtrl">
<select ng-model="store.currentItem" ng-options="i.name for i in items">