Using SQLAlchemy, I am trying to print out all of the attributes of each model that I have in a manner similar to:
SELECT * from table;
Probably the shortest solution (see the recent documentation):
from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
columns = [ for column in inspect(model).c]
The last line might look more readable, if rewrite it in three lines:
table = inspect(model)
for column in table.c:
print repr(model.__table__)
Or just the columns:
print str(list(model.__table__.columns))
Building on Rodney L's answer:
model = MYMODEL
columns = [m.key for m in model.__table__.columns]
This is an old post, but I ran into a problem with the actual database column names not matching the mapped attribute names on the instance. We ended up going with this:
from sqlalchemy import inspect
inst = inspect(model)
attr_names = [c_attr.key for c_attr in inst.mapper.column_attrs]
Hope that helps somebody with the same problem!