How can I show \"√\" (tick symbol) in label text?
This should work as well:
<asp:Label ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="√"></asp:Label>
The Extended ASCII code for that symbol is 251.
You could probably also do,
char c = '√';
Console.WriteLine("{0}", c);
This code will do it for you:
LblTick.Text = ((char)0x221A).ToString();
or even easier:
lblTick.Text = "\u221A";
Edit 2:
And, as pointed out in a comment, that code (221A) is actually a square root symbol, not a tick. To use the true tick mark, you can use the following:
lblTick.Text = "\u2713";
or for a heavy tick mark, you can use the following (but you may get font issues with this one):
lblTick.Text = "\u2714";
(Credit to @Joey for that comment!)
You can also use