Persisting data in Google Colaboratory

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眼角桃花 2020-12-28 14:11

Has anyone figured out a way to keep files persisted across sessions in Google\'s newly open sourced Colaboratory?

Using the sample notebooks, I\'m successfully authe

  • 2020-12-28 14:42

    If anyone's interested in saving and restoring the whole session, here's a snippet I'm using that you might find useful:

    import os
    import dill
    from google.colab import drive
    backup_dir = 'drive/My Drive/colab_sessions'
    backup_file = 'notebook_env.db'
    backup_path = backup_dir + '/' + backup_file
    def init_drive():
      # create directory if not exist
      if not os.path.exists(backup_dir):
        !mkdir backup_dir
    def restart_kernel():
    def save_session():
    def load_session():

    Edit: Works fine until your session size is not too big. You need to check if it works for you..

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  • 2020-12-28 14:50

    As you pointed out, Google Colaboratory's file system is ephemeral. There are workarounds, though there's a network latency penalty and code overhead: e.g. you can use boilerplate code in your notebooks to mount external file systems like GDrive (see their example notebook).

    Alternatively, while this is not supported in Colaboratory, other Jupyter hosting services – like Jupyo – provision dedicated VMs with persistent file systems so the data and the notebooks persist across sessions.

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  • 2020-12-28 14:51

    I was interested in importing a module in a separate .py file.

    What I ended up doing is copying the .py file contents to the first cell in my notebook, adding the following text as the first line:


    This creates a separate file named in the working directory so your notebook can use it with an import line.

    I know that by running all of the code in the module would enable using the variables and functions in the notebook, but my code required importing a module, so that was good enough for me.

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  • 2020-12-28 14:53

    Put that before your code, so will always download your file before run your code

    !wget -q

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  • 2020-12-28 15:00

    Your interpretation is correct. VMs are ephemeral and recycled after periods of inactivity. There's no mechanism for persistent data on the VM itself right now.

    In order for data to persist, you'll need to store it somewhere outside of the VM, e.g., Drive, GCS, or any other cloud hosting provider.

    Some recipes for loading and saving data from external sources is available in the I/O example notebook.

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  • 2020-12-28 15:05

    Clouderizer may provide some data persistence, at the cost of a long setup(because you use google colab only as a host) and little space to work on.

    But, in my opinion that's best than have your file(s) "recycled" when you forget to save your progress.

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