I have a utility function in my Django project, it takes a queryset, gets some data from it and returns a result. I\'d like to write some tests for this function. Is there a
For an empty Queryset, I'd go simply for using none
as keithhackbarth has already stated.
However, to mock a Queryset that will return a list of values, I prefer to use a Mock with a spec
of the Model's manager. As an example (Python 2.7 style - I've used the external Mock library), here's a simple test where the Queryset is filtered and then counted:
from django.test import TestCase
from mock import Mock
from .models import Example
def queryset_func(queryset, filter_value):
An example function to be tested
return queryset.filter(stuff=filter_value).count()
class TestQuerysetFunc(TestCase):
def test_happy(self):
`queryset_func` filters provided queryset and counts result
m_queryset = Mock(spec=Example.objects)
m_queryset.filter.return_value = m_queryset
m_queryset.count.return_value = 97
result = func_to_test(m_queryset, '__TEST_VALUE__')
self.assertEqual(result, 97)
However, to fulfil the question, instead of setting a return_value
for count
, this could easily be adjusted to be a list
of model instances returned from all
Note that chaining is handled by setting the filter
to return the mocked queryset:
m_queryset.filter.return_value = m_queryset
This would need to be applied for any queryset methods used in the function under test, e.g. exclude
, etc.
For this I use Django's .none() function.
For example:
class Location(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
mock_locations = Location.objects.none()
This is the method used frequently in Django's own internal test cases. Based on comments in the code
Calling none() will create a queryset that never returns any objects and no
+query will be executed when accessing the results. A qs.none() queryset
+is an instance of ``EmptyQuerySet``.
You can mock like this:
def test_returning_distinct_records_for_city(self, mock_qs):