I have recently installed minikube and VirtualBox on a new Mac using homebrew. I am following instructions from the official minikube tutorial.
This is how I am st
I think you should delete existing one. Simply run minikube delete -p minikube
. After deleting start new minikube cluster
I have the same problem and my environment is the same as yours.
I believe something is wrong with the VirtualBox networking conflicting with xhyve, I recommend you completely uninstall VirtualBox. Install docker for mac and install the hyperkit driver
Essentially, Hyperkit doesn't use VirtualBox but it uses the xhyve Hypervisor.
It works for me installing docker for mac and the hyperkit driver
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
CoreDNS is running at
$ minikube dashboard
Opening in your default browser...
It's weird but installing a fresh minikube works. Don't know what was the issue that got resolved after fresh installation.
If you just want to try the dashboard, you could run a proxy with kubectl proxy
and access it in http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
stop the minikube:
minikube stop
clean up the current minikune config and data ( which is not working or gone bad)
rm -rf ~/.minikube
Start minikube again: ( a fresh instance )
minikube start