I am planning to rewrite my Python Tile Engine in C#. It uses a list of all the game objects and renders them on the screen. My problem is that unlike in Python where you ca
In c# we use an object[] array to store different types of data in each element location.
object[] array1 = new object[5];
// - Put an empty object in the object array.
// - Put various object types in the array.
// - Put string literal in the array.
// - Put an integer constant in the array.
// - Put the null literal in the array.
array1[0] = new object();
array1[1] = new StringBuilder("Initialized");
array1[2] = "String literal";
array1[3] = 3;
array1[4] = null;
You can use an array of object class and all it possible to add different types of object in array.
object[] array = new object[3];
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = "string";
array[3] = 183.54;
You can write an abstract base class called GameObject, and make all gameObject Inherit it.
public abstract class GameObject
public GameObject();
public class TileStuff : GameObject
public TileStuff()
public class MoreTileStuff : GameObject
public MoreTileStuff()
public class Game
static void Main(string[] args)
GameObject[] arr = new GameObject[2];
arr[0] = new TileStuff();
arr[1] = new MoreTileStuff();
In C# 4 and later you can also use dynamic type.
dynamic[] inputArray = new dynamic[] { 0, 1, 2, "as", 0.2, 4, "t" };
Official docu
You can use object[]
(an object array), but it would be more flexible to use List<object>
. It satisfies your requirement that any kind of object can be added to it, and like an array, it can be accessed through a numeric index.
The advantage of using a List is you don't need to know how items it will hold when you create it. It can grow and shrink dynamically. Also, it has a richer API for manipulating the items it contains.
C# has an ArrayList that allows you to mix types within an array, or you can use an object array, object[]:
var sr = new ArrayList() { 1, 2, "foo", 3.0 };
var sr2 = new object[] { 1, 2, "foo", 3.0 };