I have several python projects started from git repos, all related to each other, that are all open in one PyCharm window.
I have python code in one project, call it
You have to tell Pycharm to use Project A as another "Content Root" for Project B.
+ Add Content Root
at the right panelSelect content root directory
Now, you'll see Project A is listed at the right panel.
and click left mouse button
to select multiple entities.Sources
from the upper bar to assign the selected entities as Source.Now you should see Source Folders at the right panel.
UPDATE: As of at least Pycharm 2019.1.3, this seems to have changed, to be simpler thankfully.
Pycharm 2020.2 - just in your project, File -> Open select project whitch you want attach. And choose 'Attach' in Open project window.