What is the best way to get a temporary directory with nothing in it using Ruby on Rails? I need the API to be cross-platform compatible. The stdlib tmpdir won\'t work.
A general aprox I'm using now:
def in_tmpdir
path = File.expand_path "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{Time.now.to_i}#{rand(1000)}/"
FileUtils.mkdir_p path
yield path
FileUtils.rm_rf( path ) if File.exists?( path )
So in your code you can:
in_tmpdir do |tmpdir|
puts "My tmp dir: #{tmpdir}"
# work with files in the dir
The temporary dir will be removed automatically when your method will finish.
You can use Dir.mktmpdir.
Using a block will get rid of the temporary directory when it closes.
Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
File.open("#{dir}/foo", 'w') { |f| f.write('foo') }
Or if you need multiple temp directories to exist at the same time, for example
context 'when there are duplicate tasks' do
it 'raises an DuplicateTask error' do
tmp_dir1 = Dir.mktmpdir('foo')
tmp_dir2 = Dir.mktmpdir('bar')
File.new("#{tmp_dir1}/task_name", 'w+')
File.new("#{tmp_dir2}/task_name", 'w+')
expect { subject.filepath('task_name') }.to raise_error(TaskFinder::DuplicateTask)
FileUtils.remove_entry tmp_dir1
FileUtils.remove_entry tmp_dir2
creates a temporary directory under Dir.tmpdir
(you'll need to require 'tmpdir'
to see what that evaluates to).
If you want to use your own path, Dir.mktmpdir
takes an optional second argument tmpdir if non-nil value is given. E.g.
Dir.mktmpdir(nil, "/var/tmp") { |dir| "dir is '/var/tmp/d...'" }
The Dir
object has a method mktmpdir which creates a temporary directory:
require 'tmpdir' # Not needed if you are using rails.
Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
puts "My new temp dir: #{dir}"
The temporary directory will be removed after execution of the block.