I need to generate a couple of objects from lists in Javascript. In Python, I\'d write this:
{key_maker(x): val_maker(x) for x in a_list}
Maybe something like this, using Lodash:
var result = _.fromPairs(a_list.map(x => [key_maker(x), value_maker(x)]));
Old question, but the answer has changed slightly in new versions of Javascript. With ES2015 (ES6) you can achieve a one-liner object comprehension like this:
a_list.reduce((obj, x) => Object.assign(obj, { [key_maker(x)]: value_maker(x) }), {})
Assuming a_list
is an Array, the closest would probably be to use .reduce()
var result = a_list.reduce(function(obj, x) {
obj[key_maker(x)] = val_maker(x);
return obj;
}, {});
Array comprehensions are likely coming in a future version of JavaScript.
You can patch non ES5 compliant implementations with the compatibility patch from MDN.
If a_list
is not an Array, but a plain object, you can use Object.keys()
to perform the same operation.
var result = Object.keys(a_list).reduce(function(obj, x) {
obj[key_maker(a_list[x])] = val_maker(a_list[x]);
return obj;
}, {});
A shorter ES6 version would be:
a_list.reduce((obj, x) => (key_maker(obj[x]) = val_maker(x), obj),{})
Here's a version that doesn't use reduce:
Object.fromEntries( a_list.map( x => [key_maker(x), value_maker(x)]) );
Object.fromEntries is basically the same as _.fromPairs in Lodash. This feels the most like the Python dict comprehension to me.
ES5 introduced Map
for an OrderedDict. A Map comprehension might look like:
Map( Array.map(function(o){return[ key_maker(o), val_maker(o) ]}))
> a_list = [ {x:1}, {x:2}, {x:3} ]
< [ Object, Object, Object ]
> let dict = new Map(a_list.map(function(o){return[ o.x, o.x**2 ]}))
< Map[3]
< 0 : {1 => 1}
< 1 : {2 => 4}
< 2 : {3 => 9}
> dict.get(2)
< 4