I am currently looking into solving the problem with the inability to quickly create new files in the Finder. I will open source what I write because I think the Mac communi
Read Services Implementation Guide. If you want a working sample code, see this project I cooked up. As explained in the guide, what you need to do is to install the service handler:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
[NSApp setServicesProvider:self];
- (void)handleServices:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
userData:(NSString *)userData
error:(NSString **)error {
if([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]){
NSArray* fileArray=[pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
// do something...
and advertise it in your Info.plist
<string>Service Handling Demo</string>
<string>handleServices</string> <!-- This specifies the selector -->
<string>services</string> <!-- This is the name of the app -->
It's as easy as this! You might need to manually turn on the service entry in the Keyboard Shortcut section of the System Preferences.app. If you want to turn it on automatically, you can write into pbs.plist
inside Library/Preferences/
, but that's not a documented way of doing things.
The problem is that Finder doesn't show this service item when you right-click an empty region in the Finder window. You can't do anything with it, other than injecting the code. This is inherent in the Finder's support of the service system. If you want to change that behavior, you need to inject code inside Finder.app. That's not that hard. On Snow Leopard, it's standard to use the OSAX loading trick, described at e.g. in this blog post. Then you can use Objective-C runtime functions to patch the behavior of the right-clicking of the Finder, by changing the methods described in this Apple document. (I don't know which of the method Finder uses to respond to the right-click event, though.)
Instead, if you're OK with clicking a button on the toolbar of the Finder window instead of right-clicking, you can add a button, as in this utility cd-to. This uses the ability to put an icon of the app to the Finder toolbar. The app itself just reads the path of the frontmost Finder window via Apple events, and opens a Terminal window for that. I think you can tweak the code of this app to do what you want.
Here follow subjective stuffs:
Honestly, you don't have to use Objective-C to write a Finder service if you just want to make a new file. Automator can do the same thing with a shell script and/or Applescript.
If you want to manage files efficiently on Mac, there are already great utilities around: try Butler or launchbar or Quicksilver, for example.