If you execute this query
SELECT \'test-a1\' AS name1, \'test-a2\' AS name2
the result will be a one row-selection with two columns having
Values keyword can be used as below.
select * from
(values ('test-a1', 'test-a2'), ('test-b1', 'test-b2'), ('test-c1', 'test-c2')) x(col1, col2)
You can use a temp table, fill it up with your results and then select from it
create table #tmpAAA (name1 varchar(10), name2 varchar(10))
insert into #tmpAAA (name1, name2)
values ('test_a', 'test_b'),
('test_c', 'test_d'),
('test_e', 'test_f'),
('test_g', 'test_h'),
('test_i', 'test_j');
select * from #tmpAAA;
This will return
name1 name2
test_a test_b
test_c test_d
test_e test_f
test_g test_h
test_i test_j