Let\'s say I need to split string like this:
Input string: \"My. name. is Bond._James Bond!\" Output 2 strings:
string[] theSplit = inputString.Split('_'); // split at underscore
string firstPart = theSplit[0]; // get the first part
string secondPart = "_" + theSplit[1]; // get the second part and concatenate the underscore to at the front
EDIT: Following from the comments; this only works if you have one instance of the underscore character in your input string.
You can also use a little bit of LINQ. The first part is a little verbose, but the last part is pretty concise :
string input = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!";
string[] split = input.Split('.');
string firstPart = string.Join(".", split.Take(split.Length - 1)); //My. name. is Bond
string lastPart = split.Last(); //_James Bond!
string s = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!";
int idx = s.LastIndexOf('.');
if (idx != -1)
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(0, idx)); // "My. name. is Bond"
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(idx + 1)); // "_James Bond!"
More fun... Heck yeah!!
var s = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!";
var firstSplit = true;
var splitChar = '_';
var splitStrings = s.Split(new[] { splitChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x =>
if (!firstSplit)
return splitChar + x;
firstSplit = false;
return x;