I cannot get voip pushkit notifications to re-launch the app if the user has force-quitted the app (by swiping it up in the multi-tasking interface) AND if the device was re
After I tested the app with an AdHoc provisioning profile (and installed it from iTunes), the Voip push notifications served through prod gateway.push.apple.com instead of gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com started waking up the force-quitted app after reboot.
The os is apparently handling development and production in a different manner.
Looking further into the APSD logs, I found that when using a development provisioning profile the following is printed out:
: XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX +0300 apsd[97]:
These enabled topics have been removed {( "YOUR_BUNLE_IDENTIFIER" )}
This does not happen when using an adhoc provisioning profile.