I have a task to write a (toy) parser for a (toy) grammar using OCaml and not sure how to start (and proceed with) this problem.
Here\'s a sample Awk grammar:
<Here is a rough sketch - straightforwardly descend into the grammar and try each branch in order. Possible optimization : tail recursion for single non-terminal in a branch.
exception Backtrack
let parse l =
let rules = snd awksub_grammar in
let rec descend gram l =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> raise Backtrack
| x::xs -> try attempt x l with Backtrack -> loop xs
loop (rules gram)
and attempt branch (path,tokens) =
match branch, tokens with
| T x :: branch' , h::tokens' when h = x ->
attempt branch' ((T x :: path),tokens')
| N n :: branch' , _ ->
let (path',tokens) = descend n ((N n :: path),tokens) in
attempt branch' (path', tokens)
| [], _ -> path,tokens
| _, _ -> raise Backtrack
let (path,tail) = descend (fst awksub_grammar) ([],l) in
tail, List.rev path
Ok, so the first think you should do is write a lexical analyser. That's the
function that takes the ‘raw’ input, like ["3"; "-"; "("; "4"; "+"; "2"; ")"]
and splits it into a list of tokens (that is, representations of terminal symbols).
You can define a token to be
type token =
| TokInt of int (* an integer *)
| TokBinOp of binop (* a binary operator *)
| TokOParen (* an opening parenthesis *)
| TokCParen (* a closing parenthesis *)
and binop = Plus | Minus
The type of the lexer
function would be string list -> token list
and the ouput of
lexer ["3"; "-"; "("; "4"; "+"; "2"; ")"]
would be something like
[ TokInt 3; TokBinOp Minus; TokOParen; TokInt 4;
TBinOp Plus; TokInt 2; TokCParen ]
This will make the job of writing the parser easier, because you won't have to worry about recognising what is a integer, what is an operator, etc.
This is a first, not too difficult step because the tokens are already separated. All the lexer has to do is identify them.
When this is done, you can write a more realistic lexical analyser, of type string -> token list
, that takes a actual raw input, such as "3-(4+2)"
and turns it into a token list.
I'm not sure if you specifically require the derivation tree, or if this is a just a first step in parsing. I'm assuming the latter.
You could start by defining the structure of the resulting abstract syntax tree by defining types. It could be something like this:
type expr =
| Operation of term * binop * term
| Term of term
and term =
| Num of num
| Lvalue of expr
| Incrop of incrop * expression
and incrop = Incr | Decr
and binop = Plus | Minus
and num = int
Then I'd implement a recursive descent parser. Of course it would be much nicer if you could use streams
combined with the preprocessor camlp4of
By the way, there's a small example about arithmetic expressions in the OCaml documentation here.