So I have some data files that look like this:
425 425 -3 15000 15000 900 385 315 3 370 330 2 340 330 2
325 315 2 3
Here is a faster example, it use fast_atoi()
to convert string to int, it's 2x faster then get_points_cython()
on my pc. If the number of points line have the same width (8 chars), then I think I can speedup it further (about 12x faster then get_points_cython()
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
import cython
cdef int fast_atoi(char *buff):
cdef int c = 0, sign = 0, x = 0
cdef char *p = buff
while True:
c = p[0]
if c == 0:
if c == 45:
sign = 1
elif c > 47 and c < 58:
x = x * 10 + c - 48
p += 1
return -x if sign else x
def get_points_cython_numpy(filename):
cdef int i, j, x, y, z, n_chunks
cdef bytes line, chunk
cdef int[:, ::1] points = np.zeros([500000, 3], np.int32)
f = open(filename, 'rb')
j = 0
for line in f:
n_chunks = int(len(line)/16)
for i in range(n_chunks):
chunk = line[16*i:16*(i+1)]
x = fast_atoi(chunk[0:6])
y = fast_atoi(chunk[6:12])
z = fast_atoi(chunk[12:16])
points[j, 0] = x
points[j, 1] = y
points[j, 2] = z
j = j + 1
return points.base[:j]
Here is the fasest method, the idea is read the whole file content into a bytes object, and get points data from it.
cdef inline int fast_atoi(char *buf, int size):
cdef int i=0 ,c = 0, sign = 0, x = 0
for i in range(size):
c = buf[i]
if c == 0:
if c == 45:
sign = 1
elif c > 47 and c < 58:
x = x * 10 + c - 48
return -x if sign else x
def fastest_read_points(fn):
cdef bytes buf
with open(fn, "rb") as f:
buf ="\n", b"") # change it with your endline.
cdef char * p = buf
cdef int length = len(buf)
cdef char * buf_end = p + length
cdef int count = length // 16 * 2 # create enough large array
cdef int[:, ::1] res = np.zeros((count, 3), np.int32)
cdef int i, j, block_count
i = 0
while p < buf_end:
block_count = fast_atoi(p, 10)
p += 10
for j in range(block_count):
res[i, 0] = fast_atoi(p, 6)
res[i, 1] = fast_atoi(p+6, 6)
res[i, 2] = fast_atoi(p+12, 4)
p += 16
i += 1
return res.base[:i]
Files that are fixed format and well behaved can be read efficiently with Numpy. The idea is to read the file into an array of strings and then convert to integers in one go. The tricky bit is the handling of variable-width fields and the placement of newline characters. One way to do it for your file is:
def read_chunk_numpy(fh, n_points):
# 16 chars per point, plus one newline character for every 5 points
n_bytes = n_points * 16 + (n_points + 1) // 5
txt_arr = np.fromfile(fh, 'S1', n_bytes)
txt_arr = txt_arr[txt_arr != b'\n']
xyz = txt_arr.view('S6,S6,S4').astype('i,i,i')
xyz.dtype.names = 'x', 'y', 'z'
return xyz
Note that \n
newline characters are assumed, so some more effort is needed for portability. This gave me a huge speedup compared to the plain Python loop. Test code:
import numpy as np
def write_testfile(fname, n_points):
with open(fname, 'wb') as fh:
for _ in range(n_points // 1000):
n_chunk = np.random.randint(900, 1100)
fh.write(str(n_chunk).rjust(8) + '\n')
xyz = np.random.randint(10**4, size=(n_chunk, 3))
for i in range(0, n_chunk, 5):
for row in xyz[i:i+5]:
fh.write('%6i%6i%4i' % tuple(row))
def read_chunk_plain(fh, n_points):
points = []
count = 0
# Use while-loop because `for line in fh` would mess with file pointer
while True:
line = fh.readline()
n_chunks = int(len(line)/16)
for i in range(n_chunks):
chunk = line[16*i:16*(i+1)]
x = int(chunk[0:6])
y = int(chunk[6:12])
z = int(chunk[12:16])
points.append((x, y, z))
count += 1
if count == n_points:
return points
def test(fname, read_chunk):
with open(fname, 'rb') as fh:
line = fh.readline().strip()
while line:
n = int(line)
read_chunk(fh, n)
line = fh.readline().strip()
fname = 'test.txt'
write_testfile(fname, 10**5)
%timeit test(fname, read_chunk_numpy)
%timeit test(fname, read_chunk_plain)